Dj Shoutcast Dsp Plugin For Winamp 5.x
Setting up can take a while, but if you manage to get past it, you will be able to take advantage of advanced tools and services to get premium broadcasting experience. Whether you are an established broadcaster, a newcomer, or even a fledging DJ, the plugin can connect you to anybody on the internet so you can broadcast your audio. Of course, that is assuming your listeners are tuned in to the radio station or website URL you have provided in the Directory tab during setup. SHOUTcast DSP Plug-In ensures full connectivity and scalability to your listeners, so you will have a smooth broadcast every time.
dj shoutcast dsp plugin for winamp 5.x
The DSP is free software which lets you run your SHOUTcast radio station using the Winamp media player. You can play your music and audio files in Winamp and the DSP plugin will send the digital audio directly to a SHOUTcast streaming server for distribution around the world. Here is a diagram of how this works:
The installer will detect the Winamp install on your machine and will then install it to the correct location. If the detected Winamp version is prior to v5.5 or if there is no winamp.exe present in the folder chosen then the installer will abort the installation.
The dsp_sc.ini file can usually be found by entering %appdata%\Winamp\plugins into the address bar in Windows Explorer. If it is not there then you should search for dsp_sc.ini and make sure to have the search program you are using to look for hidden files (this is just incase the OS is hiding the settings folder).
This guide is not addressed for advanced Linux users and will guide you through the process of how you can use one of the most popular music player on Windows platforms, Winamp, to broadcast audio media online from remote points with the help of SHOUTcast DSP plugin and, also, how you can use the Mixxx DJ console, the most advanced music mixing DJing program in Linux, to put your mixed music on-air over Internet.
9. After you install this plugin, open Winamp player and move to Options -> Preferences. On Preferences menu navigate to Plug-ins, select on DSP/Effect, choose SHOUTcast Source DSP and hit on Configure active plug-in.
Using the WinAmp MP3 player and the Shoutcast DSP plugin, you simply play the music you want with the encoder plugin active and configured. The encoder plugin connects to the relay and sends your live stream. The relay then streams the music onto the listeners.
Settings for your streaming ShoutCast plugin or SimpleCast programThe streaming relay provider will provide several bits of information which are required for the configuration of the streaming encoder (plugin or SimpleCast). These are IP Address, Port Number, Password and possibly Username (if you are using an IceCast server solution). These are simply entered into the configuration page of the ShoutCast plugin or SimpleCast. 076b4e4f54